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25 June 2010 6:27 PM | Tagged: women take control
What started out twenty years ago as a grassroots movement to collect rubbish in the villages of Mali has turned into a successful NGO helping women take control of their future.A look at how local women have taken on the challenge of education and health in a country where illiteracy alone stands at over 70 percent.This week in reporter.Copyright © 2010 euronews


25 June 2010 5:57 PM | Tagged: al aqsa tv
A Gaza-based television station, accused of inciting hatred of Jews and Israel, has had its broadcasts to Europe shut off, Eutelsat satellite firm said on Friday.Paris-based Eutelsat said its client Noorsat, the operator which handles the broadcasting of Al-Aqsa TV to parts of Europe and throughout the Middle East, cut the satellite signal on Thursday.Reacting to the move, Al-Aqsa director Hazem


25 June 2010 5:57 PM | Tagged: international whaling commission
AGADIR, Morocco – The body that regulates whaling was ending its annual meeting Friday with no decision on whether to authorize limited hunting for profit to curb unrestrained killing in the Earth's most sensitive oceans.In another defeat for conservation-minded countries, the International Whaling Commission authorized Greenland's native population to hunt a few humpback whales for the nex


25 June 2010 5:37 PM | Tagged: 1 billion dollars
The Romanian government was forced to draft new options to cut the public deficit Friday after part of an austerity package crucial to securing a fresh disbursement of IMF funds was declared unconstitutional.A court ruled that the centre-right government's plan to cut pensions by 15 percent in 2010 in order to reduce public spending was unconstitutional. The move triggered satisfaction in the ra


25 June 2010 5:37 PM | Tagged: myra macdonald
European law does not require countries to grant same-sex couples the right to marry, even if some states have already done so, the continent's top human rights court has ruled.The Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rejected an appeal by two Austrian men who said their country's refusal to allow same-sex marriage violated the right to marry and prohibition of discrimination in


25 June 2010 5:37 PM | Tagged: graff jewellery
A London court on Friday convicted a 24-year-old man for a brazen raid on a jewellery store which netted gems worth 40 million pounds.Aman Kassaye was found guilty of kidnap, conspiracy to rob and possessing a firearm after he forced a shop assistant to steal valuables during the raid at the exclusive Graff jewellery shop last August.Kassaye used a professional make-up artist to disguise his appe


25 June 2010 5:17 PM | Tagged: combine harvester
A cat which lost both back paws after a traumatic accident involving a combine harvester has regained a spring in its step after being fitted with prosthetic limbs.In a groundbreaking surgery carried out by Noel Fitzpatrick, a Surrey-based veterinary surgeon, the custom-made implants peg the ankle to Oscar's foot and mimic the way in which deer antler bone grows through skin.The prosthetic legs


25 June 2010 5:17 PM | Tagged: england world cup
A South African World Cup court on Friday postponed the trespass case of a British fan arrested for entering the England team changing room and lecturing David Beckham on the squad's drab performance.Magistrate Aziz Hamied extended Pavlos Joseph's bail and adjourned the matter until Wednesday to allow the state to consider defence arguments for his case to be dropped. If those are successful, tha