Search results for "birth control pills"


22 June 2010 9:11 PM | Tagged: birth control pills
When the FDA first approved the birth control pill on June 23, 1960, there was only one option for the more than a million interested women.Named Enovid, the Pill was originally blunt and overbearing, delivering high doses of hormones to prevent ovulation and thus pregnancy. Within two years, reports of blood clots were accumulating at the doorstep of Enovid's manufacturer Searle.By 1966, public


21 June 2010 6:29 PM | Tagged: birth control pills
After much review and public controversy, the FDA met this week and determined that flibanserin, a new medication that was hoped to be an effective treatment for female sexual arousal disorder, did not significantly improve symptoms of the disorder, and ruled against approving the medication. Female sexual arousal disorder, also known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder, (HSDD) is a relatively