Search results for "jerome valcke"


26 June 2010 2:49 PM | Tagged: jerome valcke
JOHANNESBURG - FIFA has finally acknowledged that there may be something wrong with the Jabulani World Cup ball - although it won't act on the problem until after the tournament.After numerous player complaints, FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke said Saturday at the tournament's midpoint, 'We're not deaf.FIFA is not unreceptive about what has been said about the ball.… 'This is a very


03 June 2010 3:19 PM | Tagged: jerome valcke
JOHANNESBURG - Brazil coach Dunga has defended his players after theircomplaints about the World Cup ball were criticised by FIFA secretary generalJerome Valcke.Valcke hinted the Brazilians are using the ball as an excuse, saying they'are afraid that they will not make it and it will be due to the ball.' Dunga says Valcke 'would have a different opinion' if he ever played withthe ball.The Braz